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Writer's picturePenelope Morout (Mourrut)

H.I.I.T. apparatus | Constructing a stage

in search of multiplicity within layers of spectatorship

H.I.I.T. APPARATUS is a video created in inextricable relation to H.I.I.T. | High-Intensity Identity Training live performance.

Investigating ways of seeing and perceiving the body and its connection to identity. Exploring multiple layers of spectatorship. How do we see? What do we see and who? The body of the performer? The body of the audience?

The theatre is closed. The rehearsal process is suspended. So how do we approach the performance through this digital medium? And how can the role and the position of the spectator be influenced by this format? Interchanging perspectives. From flesh to paper. From 3D to 2D. ‘Captured’ for the camera and from the camera. A sort of prisoner. This is about being aware of this ‘confinement’. Being present. Concealing and revealing bodies, shapes, relationships. Not trapped. Just critically gazing.

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